About Company

YAS Consulting:

Unlocking Financial Confidence for Your Business Journey.

Established in 2004.

YAS now leverages a wealth of experience to guide businesses on the path to financial mastery in the Indonesian fiscal landscape. The weight of taxation on tax compliance at times may challenge the client’s accounting team as the business grows and tax regulations expand in complexity.

Our founder, a seasoned accounting professional, began by cultivating a strong foundation built on his accumulated trusted client relationships. This dedication to exceeding expectations fueled steady growth of both local and international firms, leading to the formation of YAS Consulting in 2004.
Recognizing the opportunity to provide ever more comprehensive support, the founder transitioned from an employee at a local firm to become a full-fledged independent consultant. In 2014, this commitment culminated in the full-time operation of YAS Consulting, serving a loyal base of regular clients.


A Journey of Growth and Recognition:

The year 2016 marked a significant milestone with the official name change to “PT YAS Konsultan Indonesia”.

This transformation solidified our commitment to providing professional accounting services within the Indonesian market.
Unyielding in our pursuit of excellence, we secured the prestigious Kantor Jasa Akuntansi (Accounting Service Consultant) license from the Indonesian Ministry of Finance in 2017. This government-approved designation signifies our adherence to the highest industry standards, ensuring clients receive the most reliable and trustworthy financial guidance.

Today, YAS Consulting stands as a testament to the power of dedication and expertise. We are a team of passionate professionals committed to shaping the financial success stories of businesses throughout Indonesia, from small local companies to large multi-national firms.


Bridging the Financial Information Gap:

Our extensive experience has revealed a common challenge: businesses struggling with non-compliant financial statements, incomplete documentation, and a lack of standardized procedures. This creates a murky financial landscape, making informed decision-making difficult.

The Art of Tailored Financial Clarity:

At YAS Consulting, we believe financial statement preparation is more than just number crunching – it’s an art form. We take a client-centric approach, tailoring statements to the unique character of each business and industry. Our skilled professionals don’t just present numbers; they craft a clear and consistent financial narrative, even when supporting evidence might be limited. This empowers our clients to extract valuable financial insights and make strategic decisions with confidence.


Empowering the Next Generation of Financial Storytellers:

We envision YAS Consulting as a training ground for the future generation of accounting virtuosos. By providing training and opportunities for young accountants to join our team, we equip them with the skills to become masters of the financial narrative themselves. They’ll learn to go beyond simply processing numbers, and instead, transform them into a compelling story that illuminates the path to success for our clients.

Our Commitment to Vision and Mission

Our Achievement

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