Tax Services

Comprehensive Tax Services in Indonesia


Navigate the complexities of Indonesian tax regulations with our experienced team.

We provide a full suite of tax services to ensure your business remains compliant and minimizes its tax burden. Our services include:

  • Tax Advisory and Compliance: We keep you updated on the latest Indonesian tax laws and regulations, ensuring your tax reporting adheres to Indonesian customs regulations.
  • Monthly and Annual Tax Reporting: Our team efficiently handles your monthly and annual tax calculations and filings, saving you valuable time and resources.
  • Tax Audit and Objection Support: For our clients on a monthly retainer, we provide complimentary assistance during tax audits and appeals to regional tax offices.
  • Tax Planning: We work with you to develop a tax-efficient strategy that optimizes your financial performance within the framework of Indonesian tax law.

Focus on running your business. We’ll take care of your Indonesian tax needs.


Transfer Pricing Documentation Explained


Transfer pricing documentation is crucial for businesses engaged in related-party transactions

What are related-party transactions?

These are transactions between companies under common control. This includes transactions with subsidiaries, parent companies, or any other affiliated entities, regardless of their location

Why is transfer pricing documentation important?

Transfer pricing documentation demonstrates that the prices of goods or services exchanged between related parties are set at arm’s length, which means they are equivalent to the prices that would be charged to unrelated parties in similar transactions.

This is important to avoid tax authorities challenging the pricing of these transactions, which could result in tax adjustments.

Do I need transfer pricing documentation?

You may be required to prepare transfer pricing documentation if your business conducts related-party transactions that exceed a certain threshold established by Indonesian tax regulations.

We recommend consulting with a tax advisor to determine if transfer pricing documentation is necessary for your specific situation.


YAS Consulting: Your Comprehensive Tax Services Partner in Indonesia


We offer a complete range of tax services to ensure your business remains compliant and minimizes its tax burden. Here’s a breakdown of our core offerings:

  • Tax Refunds: Did you overpay Value Added Tax (VAT) or Income Tax? We can help you claim refunds according to Law No. 28 of 2007. Our experienced team boasts a high success rate in securing these returns.
  • Tax Due Diligence: Considering a business acquisition? Our tax due diligence service meticulously examines a target company’s financial statements to uncover potential tax liabilities and future penalties. This can significantly impact your investment decisions and guide negotiations for a fair valuation.
  • Tax Audits: Facing a tax audit (SP2)? We can represent you and leverage our knowledge of Indonesian tax laws to minimize your tax burden and any possible penalties.

We strive to provide our clients with a seamless and stress-free tax experience in Indonesia.


Tax Appeal to the Regional Tax Office (KANWIL)


What is a Tax Appeal to the Kanwil?

A Tax Appeal to the Regional Tax Office (KANWIL) is a formal process for a taxpayer to challenge a tax assessment issued by the tax authorities after a tax audit. This option is viable if you believe the assessment is incorrect.

What can be Appealed?

Indonesian tax law allows appeals for the following:

  • Amount of tax owed (SKPKB or SKPKBT)
  • Amount of deductible losses
  • Content of tax withholding or collection assessments

How to File a Tax Appeal to the KANWIL..

The process to file a Tax Appeal to the Kanwil involves these steps.

  1. Submit a written objection letter to the Director General of Taxes within approximately three months of receiving the tax assessment. The letter must clearly explain the grounds for the appeal.
  2. Attach supporting documents to your objection letter, such as financial statements, audit reports, or any evidence that strengthens your claim.
  3. Pay the disputed tax amount (or provide a guarantee) if the appeal concerns an additional tax assessment.

The Director General of Taxes will then review the appeal and issue a decision within approximately 60 days. If successful, the tax assessment will be adjusted. If unsuccessful, you can take the matter to the Tax Court.


Tax Court Representation in Indonesia


If your objection to a tax assessment is denied by the Regional Tax Office (Kanwil), you can appeal to the Tax Court. YAS Consulting can help! We are licensed tax court advocates and can represent you throughout the litigation process.

What is the Tax Court?

The Tax Court is a specialized court that resolves tax disputes between taxpayers and tax authorities. YAS Consulting can guide you through the appeals process and fight for a fair resolution to your tax issues.



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